Our policy for SDUSD Middle School Athletics (MSA) is to usually try to wait until the morning of to make decisions about the weather and then let school sites make individual decisions because every geographical area and playing surface is different throughout the District. With rain forecasted for the rest of the week throughout the City, the SDUSD Athletics Office has made a unilateral decision to postpone all middle school flag football tryouts for the duration of this week due to anticipated bad weather. We will resume tryouts upon our return from Spring Break on April 3. Coaches are being alerted that they must still have a minimum of two days of tryouts before deciding on teams. Those two days of tryouts will be the next two scheduled days per this schedule upon our return from Spring Break: Spring 2023 Practice ScheduleUntil coaches/teams are set, decisions as it pertains to practices/tryouts, including weather decisions, will be made centrally from the SDUSD Athletics Office. A message is being sent to all parents/guardians of students who registered as we have those emails from the sign-up form.

The start of the Flag Football season remains April 15th and our office anticipates having the first two weeks of the flag football game schedule released by the end of this week.

For any questions, please check our Middle School Athletics District website located at https://sdusdathletics.com/middle-schools/ or contact Lonnie Jones, our SDUSD Middle School Athletics Coordinator at Ljones3@sandi.net.

We appreciate your participation in Middle School Athletics. Thank you.